

For the love of engineering!

What drives us at Manomeka is a profound interest in advanced engineering.

We want to contribute to the improvement of existing technologies and we are particularly interested in the creation of efficient innovative technical solutions.

We specialize in concept creation and validation and development of mechanisms and our close cooperation with an advanced machine shop makes it possible to deliver finished prototype parts or complete prototypes, if so required.

We work with universities as well as with private companies and create and develop technical concepts and solutions within a wide range of applications. Our formal background is within mechanics, fluid mechanics, programming and numerical simulation of physical systems. We also have muti-year experiences with project management and with the international patenting process.

Examples of past and current projects include: Development of a novel vane compressor, design of pneumatic clutch control system, advanced spur gear design and configuration of automated test facilities.

We have thorough working experiences with several CAD platforms as well as with a wide range of simulation and analysis tools and programming languages.